
Greg Kovich
June 29, 2018


You may ask yourself, why should I be concerned about creating a next generation digital learning environment? 答案可能会让你大吃一惊. 数字转换 is coming to higher education and your campus may not be ready.

在去年的Educause会议上, I had a revealing conversation with a long-time customer about her university’s IT priorities for the coming fiscal year. She said that enrollment was down for the third consecutive year and they were focused on attracting new students. 当我问他们在考虑什么策略时, I was very surprised to hear that IT and digital transformation played a major role in their plans.

Specifically, 他们计划改进网络, WLAN and communications experience for all campus users…allowing for more flexibility to take advantage of pedagogical transitions to blended classrooms and more online classes. 本质上转化为 intelligent campus by using improved campus IT infrastructure as a way to differentiate their campus as a leader in teaching and learning innovation with more collaborative, 互动和个性化的学习体验. Smart!

Thinking about it, I shouldn’t have been surprised with this direction—supporting student success and academic achievement with more powerful and flexible networking and communications capabilities is an excellent strategy for attracting and retaining students. Educause recently published a study on students’ usage of technology in their academic life and 78 percent of surveyed students claimed that technology use contributed to the successful completion of their classes.

Remember, digital transformation is more than just technology
Transforming your campus is so much more than just a technical initiative. 当然,信息技术(无线局域网,局域网,校园应用程序等).)起了很大的作用, 而是提供一个真正的数字化校园, 文化因素也同样重要. 学生们想要使用科技, 根据上面引用的Educause研究, 82 percent of students prefer a blended teaching/learning environment. Instructors need to be willing to use the most impactful digital tools and experiences available—from capturing lectures to providing web-based supplemental content and search tools (to find information and references) to embracing group activities and personal technology in the classroom.

When a university embraces digital transformation, the entire campus benefits:
Personal technologies are tightly coupled with their social and academic lives; a digital campus provides the foundation for securely connecting these devices, 使学生能够使用任何设备访问网络, anywhere on campus. 

Instructors: Creating digital learning experiences to supplement traditional textbooks and curricula while leveraging the student’s love of personal technologies transforms the classroom into a blended, 更具协作性的教学环境.

Administrators: Taking advantage of the digitally connected campus enables implementation of new campus safety technologies. Leveraging custom unified communications technologies can attract new students and maintain contact with graduates/alumni.

数字转换 creates an environment that engages students with focused services and high-bandwidth connectivity, 并培育校园里每个人的成功.

As universities shift their focus to student-centric services, the transition to a next-generation digital learning environment is the first step. 技术提供性能, security and reliability that are critical for digital transformation, 并启用以学生为中心的服务, experiences and functionalities that drive academic success and improve your university’s reputation.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) can help your digital transformation with solutions for higher education that meet the emerging demands of students, instructors, and administrators and serve as the foundation of all campus IT and communications systems.

To learn more about digital transformation for education, please go to

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich


Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 

He is a 1992 graduate of Indiana University with over 20 yrs experience in Information Technology.

About the author

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